Level 3 Reopening / Covid-19 Update
We are pleased to advise that a result of the majority of New Zealand's move to alert level 3 at 11:59pm tonight, we will be reopening tomorrow morning at 8:00am (01/09/21) to resume our business operations.
We believe as a company that we can adhere to the guidelines set out by the Government / Ministry of Health for safe operation under alert Level 3.
This will mean however, that during the course of Level 3 our showroom will remain closed.
All orders will need to be placed with us via phone or email and all completed orders will be couriered out as first preference. If needed, we can still accept pick ups / drop off's however this must be done via our contactless collection area from within our carpark (inside our front door if raining). This can only be done via prior arrangement so we can insure both the safety and security of this process. Please email us (sales@hurrells.co.nz) or call us (3660760) to arrange.
If your business or organisation needs to view product samples during this time to confirm an order we can again either courier these to you or schedule a contactless pick up of pre arranged samples from our premises.
We are aiming to complete all jobs currently still in our production workflow as soon as possible once we are back next tomorrow. We will be endeavouring to call all clients of jobs already booked to confirm their current status and delivery needs.
If you have any uniform or merchandise requirements for your business please do contact us now to see how we can assist. We may have space in our production schedule to fast track any urgent requirements that you may have to get everyone back up and running.
We look forward to seeing you all again very soon!